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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Support the reunion!

As previously posted, you may now reserve your tickets for the reunion dinner with the paypal button on the right side of the blog.---------------------->

On the off chance that you cannot attend, but would like to support the reunion anyway, please feel free to use the donate button at the bottom of this post. It will accept any amount. The tickets should be reserved through the button on the right to avoid any confusion.

Hope to see as many of you as possible. Thanks for supporting the Class of 2000.


Dal and Nat said...

Do I need to buy a ticket twice so that me and my hubby can go? There wasn't an option for quantity.

Dal and Nat said...

I will buy one for now but will someone let me know for sure.

Dan said...

You need to purchase one for each of you. I will look into the option for changing the quantity.

Dan said...

Sorry for the confusion. The button has been fixed. :)