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Monday, August 18, 2008

This blog is alive!!!

I know I sound a bit ridiculous, but I have gotten to the point now where I can begin posting fairly regularly again, so if you haven't given up on this blog, thanks! If you have, well I guess you're not reading this right now.

Things to come soon:

Teacher Tuesday- A quick glimpse into the lives of our favorite educators and what they've been doing since their favorite students left eight years ago.

Where are they Wednesday- This will start by tracking down our student body officers and then into the general student body.

Flashback Friday- Ever wish your friends didn't have a camera at the most inopportune time? Or, just reflecting back on the good 'ole days. Either way, this should bring a smile to most of our faces.

Your part- I'm planning on contacting a couple teachers to start, but tell me who you want to hear from. For flashback friday, we'll need pics and stories that we don't have in the yearbook, send me your ideas.


Natasha said...

Dan, that sounds like a great idea! I can't wait!

Nancy said...

Yeah for organized people in the world! Dan, you amaze me.

Dal and Nat said...

This sounds fun!!!